The reality of juggling work, family, and art.
The part time artist.
The dream we have of being able to immerse ourselves into our passion is something I feel all us artists strive for. Long drawn-out days of painting and creating and, let's be honest, making a shit ton of money from it is something we all dream of! The reality, however, couldn't be further from the dream. Unfortunately, bills need to be paid and family life takes priority.
I'm a mum, a wife, I work, and I could add a 100 more things to the end of this, but somehow, I manage to find those pockets of time for myself to focus on my passion, work on commissions, and create - it's my time. What comes from it is a bonus and I will never take that for granted.
I always think the advantage of being a part-time artist makes the time you have to create, meaningful; it's a part of my life I look forward to as it's just me, my brushes and my canvas. Working on my pieces gives me a sense of control and gratification.
Don't get me wrong there are times within those pockets, I don't always 'feel like it' which I think is normal for any artist but because I can't always paint when I choose, the creative tug builds up making the time I do have or choose count.
I've been lucky enough to work on various commissions which has kept me accountable with my time, but I have also been lucky enough to have very patient clients who have been so understanding and are happy to wait for my pieces!
The bottom line is, my time for my family will always come first but the desire and want I have to one day turn my art into my career drives strong, it's a stage I know I will achieve because my desire is clear, and my passion is there. I loves what I do, and I do what I love. In the meantime, I will continue to paint, grow, and put myself out there.
This just wouldn't work if you don't love what you do.